Health Screening
Because we care for you and your love ones, at TRUCARE MEDICAL & SURGERY we strive to provide affordable and tailored health screening packages.
Health screening is essential for the early detection of diseases and conditions, many of which do not produce early warning sign. Some of these can be silent killers such as heart disease, diabetes, hypertension and cancers.

With early detection and good management of these chronic conditions, complications can be avoided or delayed.
With so many health screening packages to choose from, our doctors are committed to work with you to stratify your risk and to choose a package most suitable for you.
It is never too late to start health screening. Please contact us for more information.
(It is better to have an appointment for health screening as it will make the process smoother. Please fast for at least 8 hours before your health screening with only plain water allowed. For those on daily medication, please continue your medication except for diabetic medication or medication that may cause gastritis or discuss with our doctor before doing so.)
Trucare Lite
$100 (before GST)
Suitable for those that just want to have a general overview of their health
l Consultation and review
l Full blood count, ESR, hs-CRP
l Cholesterol and diabetes Profile
l Kidney and liver Function Test
l Calcium, phosphate, uric acid
l Urine analysis and microalbumin Creatinine and Ratio
l Optional: electrocardiogram (additional $25)
Trucare Lifestyle
$160 without pap smear (before GST)
$205 with pap smear (before GST)
Suitable for those that keep an active lifestyle and also provide overview of general health
l Consultation and review
l Full blood count, ESR, hs-CRP
l Cholesterol and diabetes profile
l Kidney and liver function Test
l Calcium, phosphate, uric acid, rheumatoid factor
l Syphilis, HIV & Hepatitis (A and B) profile
l Thyroid screen (Free T4)
l Cancer marker: liver and bowel
l Urine analysis and microalbumin creatinine Ratio
l Stool occult blood Test
l Electrocardiogram
Trucare Deluxe
$230 without pap smear (before GST)
$275 with pap smear (before GST)
Suitable for those that want to screen more and to know more detail of their health status
l Consultation and review
l Full Blood Count, ESR, hs-CRP
l Cholesterol and diabetes profile
l Kidney and liver function test
l Calcium, phosphate, uric acid, rheumatoid factor
l Syphilis, HIV & Hepatitis (A and B) profile
l Thyroid profile (TSH, Free T4)
l Cancer marker: liver, bowel & pancreas
l Urine analysis and microalbumin creatinine Ratio
l Stool occult blood Test
l Electrocardiogram
Choose from 1 optional test:
CA125 (ovary), Beta HCG (testes), PSA (prostate), CA15.3 (Breast), HbA1c, EBV-IgA (Nose and throat), HCV Antibody (Hepatitis C), Testosterone
Trucare Executive
$413 before GST
With Pap smear $458 before GST
l Consultation and review
l Full Blood Count, ESR, hs-CRP
l Cholesterol and diabetes profile
l Kidney and liver function test
l Calcium, phosphate, uric acid, rheumatoid factor
l Iron, B12, Folate, Vitamin D
l Syphilis and HIV
l Hepatitis (A, B and C ) profile
l Thyroid profile (TSH, Free T4)
l Cancer marker: liver, bowel & pancreas
l Urine analysis and microalbumin creatinine Ratio
l Stool occult blood Test
l Electrocardiogram
Choose from 1 optional test:
CA125 (ovary), Beta HCG (testes), PSA (prostate), CA15.3 (Breast), HbA1c, EBV-IgA (Nose and throat), Testosterone
Trucare Premarital
$ 143 for Male
$ 175 for Female (additional rubella and chickenpox antibody)*
Suitable for couples, gentleman or ladies prior to making plans for a family.
- Consultation and Post Result Consultation
- Physical Examination by Doctor
- Full Blood Count
- Blood Group
- Hb Electrophoresis
- Syphilis
- HIV Screening
- Rubella Serology*
- Varicella/chicken pox antibody*
- Hepatitis B Antigen & Antibody Screening
- Urine Analysis
- Electrocardiogram
STD General Package
$230 (before consultation fee and GST)
- Syphilis
- Chlamydia
- Gonorrhea
- Hepatitis B
- Hepatitis C
Trucare Lite
$100 (before GST)
l 医疗咨询
l 血细胞数,胆固醇
l 血糖检测
l 肾,肝功能检测
l 钙,磷,尿酸检测
l 尿液分析
l 心电图(另加$25)
Trucare Lifestyle
$160 without pap smear (before GST)
$205 with pap smear (before GST)
l 医疗咨询
l 血细胞数, 胆固醇, 血糖检测
l 肾, 肝, 甲功能检测
l 钙, 磷, 尿酸, 类风湿因子检测
l 梅毒, 艾滋病毒筛查
l 肝炎病毒(甲, 乙)筛查
l 肿瘤筛查 (大肠和肝癌)
l 尿液分析,大便潜血试验
l 心电图
Trucare Deluxe
$230 without pap smear (before GST)
$275 with pap smear (before GST)
l 医疗咨询
l 血细胞数,胆固醇,血糖检测
l 肾, 肝, 甲功能检测
l 钙,磷,尿酸,类风湿因子检测
l 梅毒, 艾滋病毒筛查
l 肝炎病毒(甲, 乙)筛查
l 肿瘤筛查 (胰腺,大肠和肝癌 )
l 尿液分析,大便潜血试验
l 心电图
l 任选择以下一种测试:
CA125 卵巢癌, HCG 睾丸癌, PSA 前列腺癌, CA15.3 乳癌, HbA1c, EBV-IgA 鼻咽癌, 丙肝炎病毒, 睾酮
$143 (男性)
$175 (女性-加风疹和水痘抗体检测)*^
- 医疗咨询和结果咨询
- 血细胞数检测
- 血型
- 地中海贫血症检测
- 梅毒检测
- 艾滋病病毒检测
- 风疹抗体检测*
- 水痘抗体检测*
- 乙型肝炎筛查
- 尿液分析
- 心电图
STD General Package
$230 (before consultation fee and GST)
- 梅毒
- 衣原体
- 淋病
- B 型肝炎
- C 型肝炎
- 艾滋病病毒